Transfer leaves
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Written by Cocoon Support
Updated over a week ago

Welcome to Cocoon!

We hope that your leave journey has been everything you've needed it to be thus far and look forward to supporting your leave tracking through the remainder of it! Below you'll find everything there is to know about your employer partnering with Cocoon in the midst of your leave journey.

What is a transfer leave?

A transfer leave is any leave that has already begun prior to your employer signing on to work with Cocoon as your company's leave administrator. This includes any leave that has not begun and ended prior to your employer's launch date with Cocoon.

What can I expect from Cocoon?

To ensure accuracy in your leave entitlements and time remaining, you can rely on Cocoon to ingest your historical and in-progress leave data for your personal tracking purposes. With that information, we'll be equipped to provide guidance around remaining time available to you for future legs of leave or for future, unrelated leave of absences.

Can Cocoon help me with my claims and pay?

While Cocoon is happy to provide general information and education around claims and pay processes, our team does not have insight or authority over your historical claims and pay experiences. As a result, we are not able to effectively provide guidance or details around the current status of your claims and pay journey.

We recommend reaching out to your previous leave administrator or your employer for more information around claim status and/or pay.

Where is Cocoon getting my leave information?

In an effort to provide visibility and consistency in your leave experience, your employer has provided our team your leave dates and leave information to ensure that you have insight into previous leave dates taken and previous entitlements used. Upon launching with Cocoon, our team will automatically ingest this information into the Cocoon platform for your access.

What if I need to plan a new leave in Cocoon?

We would be so glad to support you through a new leave plan and leave journey with your employer. When Cocoon is able to facilitate your leave plan from beginning to end, we're able to provide additional support throughout the leave process, that is not currently available for transfer leaves.

With a new leave plan, Cocoon will provide guidance and assistance in filing all pertinent claim forms for your leave, as well as coordinate your employer pay to ensure pay accuracy between all sources. Any new leave plans designed within 12 months of your historical leave or transfer leave will take into consideration your previously used entitlements and automatically reflect all protected, paid time available to you, whether via employer, federal, or state policies.

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