Post launch: Payroll
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Written by Cocoon Support
Updated over a week ago

Cocoon calculates payroll for any employees on leave in our system. You’ll receive your first Cocoon pay file during the first pay period in which you have an employee on an active leave in Cocoon. This could be immediately following your Cocoon launch, or it may be weeks or even months before you receive your first pay file!

Once you do receive that first pay file, there are a few important things to understand to ensure payroll runs smoothly:

  1. Check the contacts on the pay file email – it’s sent to all Workspace and Pay Admins. Make sure that the appropriate people that need to review and use this pay file are included on the email list from Cocoon. If someone is missing, or should not be included on the pay file email, please immediately reach out to [email protected] so that these changes can be reflected for future pay emails.

  2. You are responsible for paying your employees, Cocoon can not adjust pay or submit payroll on your behalf. The purpose of the Cocoon pay file is to perform the leave pay calculations on your behalf, however, Cocoon can not actually adjust your employees paycheck in your payroll system. Your team is responsible for reviewing the pay file and updating your payroll system to pay the amount that is included in the file for each employee, either manually or through an import process depending on which pay file and payroll system you are using.

  3. Learn how the Cocoon pay file works. Review the pay file in detail, as well as resources such as 'How to read the Cocoon Standard Pay file' to understand how Cocoon is performing our pay calculations, as well as which column includes the amount we are suggesting you pay your employee that period. If you have any questions regarding the amounts or calculations, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.

  4. Verify the dates included in the pay file. During onboarding, your team provided your company’s payroll calendars. You can always review the number of days in advance we’ll deliver the file in your settings tab.If you are finding that you need the pay files sooner to complete your review, please reach out to our support team and we'd be happy to make this change on your behalf. Cocoon will provide pay files for each pay period that an employee is on an active leave.

  5. You will receive multiple pay files if you have employees on different pay schedules. Cocoon will send an individual pay file for each pay calendar. This means if you have some employees on leave that are paid semi-monthly, and some that are paid bi-weekly, you will receive separate pay files for each of these pay groups.

Any questions? Please reach out to the Support team at [email protected]

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