If you have an employee you want to send to Cocoon but you have some questions about what they are eligible for, or if you have some new HR team members who’ve been added as Employer Admins and are new to Cocoon, the Policies Tab is the perfect place to start.
Previewing employee leave timelines
In the Policies Tab of your dashboard, you can preview the leave timeline for parental, medical, and caregiver leaves (if you’re not seeing all options, you may need to ask your Workspace Admin to work with Cocoon to enable the other leave types). This leave tool takes into account your company policy, any applicable short term disability coverage, as well as any federal and state programs.
To mock up a parental leave, toggle the parent type, state, tenure, and whether or not you want to see any pre-birth disability with this hypothetical leave. In the top right of the leave tool, you can see a dollar sign and a clock symbol. This allows you to view pay sources as well as entitlements. Click on the colored bars to reveal more details about pay and entitlements on each screen.
In the example below, we’re looking at a birthing parent in California who’s been with their company for 12 months and will not be taking pre-birth disability.
You can do the same with medical and caregiver leaves!
Getting new admins up to speed on Cocoon
This leave planning tool is also a great resource for new HR folks who will be working with Cocoon but have very little background on what we do. Admins are encouraged to use this tool to understand how Cocoon layers company leave policies with state and federal leave laws to give employees a simple view of what they are eligible for.
Any questions? Please reach out to the Support team at: